Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Health Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapple fruit may have a slightly sour taste and a little itchy if we eat too much. However, behind all the benefits of pineapple is very diverse, one of which is as a body cleanser. Pineapple is a fruit that is perfect for when you eat a diet. Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) Is a tropical plant native Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia.

Protein digestion. The benefits of pineapple can be obtained because the fruit has a large amount of the enzyme bromelain. Enzi mini beneficial to facilitate the digestive process and as lozenges. Serves as a digestive enzyme bromelain protein contained in food to be absorbed by the body.
Accelerate the wound healing process. Another function of the enzyme Bromelain is able to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation and swelling in the body. Therefore, for patients who will undergo surgery or have been strongly encouraged to eat pineapple.
Serves as a cleaner. The benefits of pineapple as a cleaner is also obtained from the enzyme bromelain which can help keep the acid levels in the blood to be balanced. Pineapple can also reduce the excess moisture from the body so it can help cure diseases Edema. In addition to the enzyme bromelain, aspartic acid contained in sour pineapple can also get rid of ammonia which is harmful toxins from the body.
Once we know some of the benefits of pineapple above, surely you would think to include this fruit in your meal. But it helps if we know how to pick a good pineapple.

When buying a pineapple fruit, pineapple that has no green or yellow. Choose between pineapple, pineapple is the most severe. Increasingly heavy pineapple fruit, the fresh fruit because the water content in it is still a lot. If you want to choose a ripe pineapple, pineapple please you choose has a strong distinctive smell sweet. Because if you choose the pineapple is still raw, it will be very acidic.

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