Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Benefits of Soursop Fruit

Soursop fruit is so popular and the most delicious when made into a cup of juice. However, the benefits of soursop fruit is probably not really known by most of us, even in Indonesia, soursop fruit is one fruit that is not familiar.

Soursop (Annona muricata) has different terms in each region in Indonesia. Some call soursop as Jackfruit Londo, srikaya Java, Jackfruit Buris, etc.. If it is outside the country, with rich fruit content of this medicine is known as Soursop.

Soursop fruit tastes sweet acidity. This blend of both feeling a sensation for fans of soursop fruit. Besides having a unique taste sensation, the benefits of soursop fruit is also very much. So many people to process them into various forms of cuisine, such as making butter mixture soursop for breakfast bread or soursop process into syrup for drinks.

Substances in the soursop fruit is very complex and has many benefits. Therefore, in this article we will examine more in depth about the various benefits / properties of soursop fruit. Soursop excellent benefits for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Here are some of the content along with soursop fruit for health benefits :
  • Soursop fruit contains Vitamin C. The content of vitamin C on soursop fruit is high enough, every 100 grams of meat soursop fruit contains about 20mg of vitamin C. So that the soursop fruit can be efficacious antioxidant to increase the body's resistance to disease.
  • Soursop fruit contains calcium and phosphorus. Both minerals are beneficial to build strong bones. Thus, soursop fruit can prevent the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Soursop fruit contains a high potassium. Potassium is beneficial to prevent hypertension disease.
  • Soursop fruit is rich in fiber. Sertat soursop fruit content of 3.3 grams per 100 grams of meat soursop fruit. With this much fiber content, the benefits of soursop fruit can also facilitate the digestive process in the body.
Now that we know some of the benefits above soursop fruit, soursop fruit then it should be our choice dish servings. To get the above content soursop fruit, soursop juice / soursop juice can be your choice.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Benefits of Fruit Sapodilla

Sapodilla fruit is one fruit which is widely known by our society. Memliliki sapodilla fruit taste and fragrant aroma that makes everyone would love it. Brown or who has the scientific name of this sapota Achras pasa originally came from the area around Central America and Mexico. Sapodilla many grown by our society as garden plants to be enjoyed by men, while in some countries such as Mexico, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, India and Guatemala this fruit has been cultivated commercially.

Sapodilla fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit, but now also a lot of sapodilla fruit is processed into a wide variety of processed foods and beverages but not yet commercially cultivated. Brown fruit we can find in stores fruit when harvest season comes.

Seeds brown or blackish brown, black flat shape slightly elongated oval. Brown seeds contains quercetin, saponin and oil as much as 23 percent. But you should not eat brown beans because they contain acids that are toxic hidrosianik. In addition, interest sapodilla is the main ingredient parem. Parem the traditional medicine powder used to be applied to new mothers.

Taste sweet and delicious fruit is making it one of the much-loved fruit. The sweet taste of this fruit is rich in content as brown sugar with some 16 to 20 percent. The content of sapodilla fruit is not just sugar, brown fruit rich in vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. In addition sapodilla fruit is also rich in fat content, protein, calcium, phosphorus and iron minerals.

Sapodilla fruit has an excellent nutritional content, the content of sapodilla fruit is rich in potassium and low sodium content so that the sapodilla fruit is very good for heart health and blood vessels. Consumption of 100 grams of sapodilla fruit every day can also meet the need of vitamin C a 24.5 per cent of the body's need for vitamin C every day. Brown fruit also contains folic acid that the body in the formation of red blood cells.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Health Benefits of Beans

Beans are one type of vegetable is quite popular around the world. Who does not know beans, beans are often found in foodstuffs. In addition to consumption, we can get the benefits of green beans that are useful for health. Beans are known for complementary foods such as vegetable soup, or stir-fry stir beans, green beans with other vegetables cah, until cooked as fresh vegetables. Beans is not difficult to be found because in the market or in any supermarket we can get it at a price that certainly is not expensive. These plants are somewhat similar to pea seeds just different and not included into the nuts.

Beans are a vegetable that is often used by mothers at home. These vegetables are very healthy and rich in fiber. Apparently this type of vegetable crops have a number of substances that are important to the human body. These vegetables contain lignin, enzymes, protease inhibitors, potassium, phosphorus, fiber, and calcium. Besides the active substances in these vegetables have a substance b-sitosterol and stigmasterol are able to increase insulin production. This substance serves as a control blood sugar levels so that the substance is useful to suppress the level of blood sugar levels. This was never demonstrated in an experiment conducted on rats. The mice were then given the induction of diabetes, having given the extract of beans, sugar levels in mice as a result normal eventually.

In addition to the material used in cooking, it seems that the benefits of green beans can also be felt. As can be launched because the digestive system are rich in fiber, prevent constipation, stimulates the immune system, neutralize the blood sugar, preventing colon cancer, treat peptic ulcers, and minimizes the risk of cancer. These vegetables also help people cope with diabetes mellitus.

Before we consume vegetables such as vegetables in the Dutch language is bootjes, need to consider how to choose the right one. For example, by choosing a color that is fresh, soft texture, and still young. Before buying the beans we need to know in advance which one is fresh or not.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit or more commonly known by the Latin name Hylocereus polyrhizus is one of the original fruit of the Central American region and grow in areas with tropical climate, subtropical, temperate climates to dry. Benefits of dragon fruit has been known to all over the world.

Fruit with a flavor somewhat bland or slightly sweet this is a good source of antioxidants that can protect itself from free radicals and cancer. properties of the dragon fruit can neutralize the body of toxins and other heavy metals.

High content of vitamin C in dragon fruit to make the benefits of dragon fruit is very useful for improving immune to help heal wounds. The content of vitamin B2 and B1 in the dragon fruit is very good to improve metabolism and restore appetite. Besides the benefits of dragon fruit can also reduce cholesterol levels because this fruit contains vitamin B3. Dragon fruit can also cope with high blood pressure to cure coughs and asthma.

Dragon fruit containing phosphorus and calcium, so the benefits of dragon fruit can also make strong bones and teeth and form a network of more healthy. Dragon fruit is excellent for those who want to lose weight and reduce blood sugar levels.

Benefits of red dragon fruit known to be effective for lowering blood glucose levels. This red dragon fruit has high fiber content that can help expedite the process of digestion in the body and reduce fat. Red dragon fruit contains a substance-carotene are very good for eye health.

Efficacy of red dragon fruit then is able to prevent and treat heart disease, cancer, to help lower blood pressure. This is because these fruits contain lycopene. Besides these fruits also contain vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, calcium, phosphorus, and protein to help build a good network.

To get the benefits of this red dragon fruit, you can make the red dragon fruit juice and consume regularly. Each cup of red dragon fruit juice contains about 100kkal. However, if you do not have time to process them into juice, you can eat them directly to get the properties.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Health Benefits of Red Rice

Lately, brown rice became popular because the benefits are better than regular white rice we eat brown rice benefits often associated with healthier lifestyle trends or the main menu replacement for white rice diet. Style or habits of the people of Indonesia to always eat white rice as a staple food to make the high prevalence of diseases caused by high consumption of sugar, such as Diabetes Mellitus is a disease. In addition, those who are on a diet would prefer to eat red rice is more easily satisfied for reasons that do not need to eat a portion of the lot.

About the nutritional content that makes brown rice is preferred for the underdog and certainly deserves further raised about the benefits of brown rice alone. As the main content on all types of rice that is vitamin B1, B6, and B12 was owned by this type of rice is higher. We know if vitamin B is the key to the formation of energy in the organism. Then talk about the diet, one that makes the content of selected rice is a fiber of this type. Fiber they contain higher than in white rice. Fiber can interfere with the absorption of sugars in carbohydrates and interfere with the absorption of fat that goes with the food so it would be healthy and will certainly give us more filling sensation because of slow processing of fiber in your body continues to cause us to feel full, so do not eat too often.

As one of the leading food ingredients, brown rice it also contains antioxidants that are beneficial to our health. Free radicals who became one of the causes of various dangerous diseases from the environment, our own bodies, and of course food. Ways to overcome them naturally by eating more antioxidant. In the presence of substances with antioxidant as well as of more value to make the greater benefits of brown rice. One of the antioxidant content is owned by anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is the red pigment contained in perikarp and the skin layer of rice. Anthocyanins can prevent diseases such as cancer, diabetes mellitus, and stroke.

One of which contained the mineral magnesium. Magnesium has the ability to reduce keakutan of asthma, lowering high blood pressure, reduce the frequency of migraines, and reduce the risk of heart defect. In addition magnesium contained by red rice can maintain the health of our bones. With so many benefits of magnesium would further enhance the benefits of brown rice as well.