Saturday, June 30, 2012

Benefits of Papaya Leaves For Acne

As we know, one of the papaya leaves merupaka good food to increase your appetite. Tananan papaya is a type that is often consumed by people. Because they have such great benefits of papaya leaves are very important for health. It's basically papaya leaves a bitter taste, but once covered with salt water so the bitterness would be reduced. But the bitter taste is actually not a problem, it is very beneficial to the papaya leaves the human body health. Eating papaya is the solution to increase the body's metabolism. Papaya leaves can generally be made serving good food, such as papaya curry, coconut milk, vegetables, anointing and many more. The leaves are bitter indeed have a myriad of benefits that are good for health.

The efficacy of papaya is very good for your health, a variety of benefits can we feel after eating papaya. As can facilitate the digestive system, papaya leaves contain chemicals allegedly karpain. Substances that have been proven effective to kill microorganisms that often interfere with the digestive function. Disturbed digestion can make us sick stomach and constipation, with the sense that we will be hard to defecate. And the more fatal, we could have suffered from disease of the appendix, it is very dangerous. Besides papaya leaves can increase appetite, which is difficult for them to eat, papaya is the best solution to increase appetite. Sbeagi papaya are also useful anti-cancer drug, dengue fever, and menstrual pain medication.

In addition to direct consumption by the body by eating, benefits of papaya leaves can also be felt on the skin. Such as anti-acne drug, papaya is believed to be the most potent drug to overcome the problem of acne on the skin. Generally, acne is something that is very disturbing, especially in the facial area. Facial acne will lower our confidence level. To that before the acne has appeared and facial acne, can be overcome with papaya leaves. By way of process into a face mask.

To further maintain the maximum health, eating papaya should be according to the rules and the proper way of processing. Take the young leaves of papaya and fresh green, and then boiled in two cups of water until cooked. The most delicious papaya when consumed as fresh vegetables, papaya properties are useful and essential for life.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Health Benefits of Cassava Leaves

Cassava is one of the types of plants that contain enough calories. But who would have thought, turned the leaves of cassava have more benefits than the flesh. Cassava leaves are the types of vegetables are much in demand. Benefits of cassava leaves were big enough for health. Relatih cassava leaves are also inexpensive and easy to find. Usually the mothers at home to cultivate a vegetable soup, anointing, and stir-fry. Cassava leaves can also be found diresto typical Padang. But can be made with various preparations, this leaves a bad taste. Please also note cassava leaves have a number of benefits and nutritional value are important to the body.

In addition to good taste, was behind the benefits of cassava leaves, there is a very important substances when consumed. Cassava leaves contain minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids, and proteins that are very good for the body. Please also note that vegetable proteins contained in cassava leaves serve as elements that build the body's cells and is a component of the enzyme system. In addition, the amino acid content in green leaf that is functioning as a modifier of carbohydrates into energy. Amino acids in cassava leaves are also useful for the recovery of skin wounds, to replace damaged cells, bone health, help us with a good memory, as well as help the body's metabolic system. As for the chlorophyll in the leaves serve as an antioxidant and anticancer agents.

Indeed the great benefits of cassava leaves, the body's health can be supported by the intake of nutritious foods such as cassava leaves. Cassava leaves are known to have a number of important benefits such as suitable for those who are running the program for cassava leaf diet very low in calories. With so consuming cassava leaves will give the effect of satiety. For those who are hard to BAB, cassava leaves are able to overcome constipation and our digestion. In addition, cassava leaves can also be used as a cure rheumatism, headaches, ulcers, cold medicine, diarrhea, intestinal worms overcome, and increase stamina.

In addition to be as healthy snacks, cassava leaves are also useful as an herbal medicine that can directly drink the water. It's easy, just boil the leaves with one to two glasses of water and ginger can be mixed with water or whiting. Any residual water decoction drunk and have incredible benefits to the body. That's the benefit of cassava leaves that we can get to easily.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Carrots Benefits for Eye Health

Carrots are one of the rabbit's favorite vegetable. Because often eat carrots, do not be surprised if the rabbits have sharp eyesight. Carrots seem to have become one of the icons of plants that are good for eye health. Fresh color is followed by the benefits which are also good for our eyes. If we conduct consultations to the eye doctor about the health of our eyes is one of the doctor's advice is to eat most of these plants. Can be processed into various forms of food and become one of your favorite juice is used as a form of making it easier to enjoy.

About the nutritional content of carrots themselves are associated with eye health is vitamin A. We all know that vitamin A is essential for the health of our eyes. If our bodies are deficient in vitamin A will cause the state of avitaminosis A and occurs at high risk of night blindness disease. For those that have problems of the eyes is recommended to eat every day but it is very useful also to prevent the decline in health functioning of our eyes. Health is quite important for human life.

In addition to vitamin A, it turns out carrots also contain high fiber and pectin which is quite high. Pectin is a substance that is useful for reducing blood cholesterol content. Regarding the fiber itself can certainly help us to prevent constipation but it could be one alternative to our diet.

Regarding processing, we do not have to worry about boredom in taking them. Usually people tend to give in to eating out of boredom in the form of processed each day. But we should not worry anymore because now it has many alternative forms of treatment without us having to feel the boredom. Popular one is to make juice. Another form today is a way to make soup, or even when there has been a process in the form of chips so it is helpful to eat in times of leisure. Another thing that is important is we conducted a study and showed that the process will actually increase the carrot processing jmlah beta carotene it contains.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Health Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapple fruit may have a slightly sour taste and a little itchy if we eat too much. However, behind all the benefits of pineapple is very diverse, one of which is as a body cleanser. Pineapple is a fruit that is perfect for when you eat a diet. Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) Is a tropical plant native Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia.

Protein digestion. The benefits of pineapple can be obtained because the fruit has a large amount of the enzyme bromelain. Enzi mini beneficial to facilitate the digestive process and as lozenges. Serves as a digestive enzyme bromelain protein contained in food to be absorbed by the body.
Accelerate the wound healing process. Another function of the enzyme Bromelain is able to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation and swelling in the body. Therefore, for patients who will undergo surgery or have been strongly encouraged to eat pineapple.
Serves as a cleaner. The benefits of pineapple as a cleaner is also obtained from the enzyme bromelain which can help keep the acid levels in the blood to be balanced. Pineapple can also reduce the excess moisture from the body so it can help cure diseases Edema. In addition to the enzyme bromelain, aspartic acid contained in sour pineapple can also get rid of ammonia which is harmful toxins from the body.
Once we know some of the benefits of pineapple above, surely you would think to include this fruit in your meal. But it helps if we know how to pick a good pineapple.

When buying a pineapple fruit, pineapple that has no green or yellow. Choose between pineapple, pineapple is the most severe. Increasingly heavy pineapple fruit, the fresh fruit because the water content in it is still a lot. If you want to choose a ripe pineapple, pineapple please you choose has a strong distinctive smell sweet. Because if you choose the pineapple is still raw, it will be very acidic.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Breadfruit Leaf Benefits

Not all countries are breadfruit trees. One of the country's famous covered a lot of the breadfruit tree is Indonesia. Efficacy of breadfruit leaves had become known in the health field. Although some experts still doubt about the usefulness but people believe if these leaves have the benefit of liver disease, heart, and kidneys. These leaves are believed to contain some substances that are beneficial to the body such as acid hidrosianat, asetilcolin, tannins, riboflavin, and others. Known if these agents have the benefit of the inflammatory process or otherwise resolve the inflammation. The most important bias menyebuhkan several dangerous diseases in our body.

Many people have made use of breadfruit leaves for health. One of the benefits of breadfruit leaf is believed to save your kidneys. Of the breadfruit leaf decoction is drunk regularly can save the kidneys and ensure the daily routine is still running. Recommended herb stew breadfruit leaves is drunk every day of the glass. The leaves are boiled before the leaves have dried.

In addition to the kidney can be overcome, the efficacy of breadfruit leaves can also lower cholesterol in the body. Cholesterol has become one of the health problems caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. With the benefit of the breadfruit leaf is processed by mixing the dried leaves of breadfruit leaves or two teaspoons bangle bangle. Next we like our tea makers. Steeping water consumption had been able to direct us or we can mix it with honey or sugar cubes.

Whereas if you want to address the problem of uric acid in a way we can also brew a breadfruit leaf is dried with a handful of leaves mixed with muscle greges. Just as in the treatment of kidney disorders and diseases of cholesterol, uric acid to overcome we can also mix the boiled water with sugar cubes before or honey to taste bitter mengurasi. It should be noted in the consumption of boiled breadfruit leaves, we should avoid the consumption of spinach leaves, cassava leaves, kale, viscera, and red meat because it can increase blood viscosity so that the muscles become cramped, but that with such properties can be optimized breadfruit leaves.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Benefits of Watermelon Fruit

Watermelon is a fruit that contains plenty of water. So that by eating watermelon may prevent us from dehydration. But you know it the watermelon also contain important vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to our tuguh. One of the benefits of watermelon are able to help for those who are on a diet. Watermelon is a fruit that is free from fat. Levels of sugar in watermelon is also limited, but it has abundant water content.

Watermelon fruit has potassium and water content in high numbers. Water content and potassium may help to counteract the blood pressure. In addition, the benefits of watermelon can also strengthen the heart and strengthens the immune system because of watermelon also contain antioxidants and vitamin C.

Many opinion stating that the watermelon can fight cancer. That is because watermelon contains lycopene which is a carotenoid substance. Substance lycopene is very strong to fight cancer. Human cancer that attacks can occur due to free radicals, pollution, negative thoughts, poor diet, and the immune system. Substance lycopene from watermelon can overcome these attacks. In addition to anti cancer, substance lycopene in watermelon can also make the face of seemingly fresh, glowing and youthful look.
  • Watermelon can meet the needs vitamin C to the body as vitamin C in melon fruit is very high.
  • Watermelon can help maintain eye health as it has a content of provitamin A.
  • Watermelon is good for people who have high cholesterol because it can reduce the fruit and helps remove cholesterol from the human body.
  • Watermelon is very good for preventing and treating heart disease. So for those of you who suffer a heart attack, try to eat a watermelon on a daily basis.