Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Benefits of Soursop Fruit

Soursop fruit is so popular and the most delicious when made into a cup of juice. However, the benefits of soursop fruit is probably not really known by most of us, even in Indonesia, soursop fruit is one fruit that is not familiar.

Soursop (Annona muricata) has different terms in each region in Indonesia. Some call soursop as Jackfruit Londo, srikaya Java, Jackfruit Buris, etc.. If it is outside the country, with rich fruit content of this medicine is known as Soursop.

Soursop fruit tastes sweet acidity. This blend of both feeling a sensation for fans of soursop fruit. Besides having a unique taste sensation, the benefits of soursop fruit is also very much. So many people to process them into various forms of cuisine, such as making butter mixture soursop for breakfast bread or soursop process into syrup for drinks.

Substances in the soursop fruit is very complex and has many benefits. Therefore, in this article we will examine more in depth about the various benefits / properties of soursop fruit. Soursop excellent benefits for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Here are some of the content along with soursop fruit for health benefits :
  • Soursop fruit contains Vitamin C. The content of vitamin C on soursop fruit is high enough, every 100 grams of meat soursop fruit contains about 20mg of vitamin C. So that the soursop fruit can be efficacious antioxidant to increase the body's resistance to disease.
  • Soursop fruit contains calcium and phosphorus. Both minerals are beneficial to build strong bones. Thus, soursop fruit can prevent the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Soursop fruit contains a high potassium. Potassium is beneficial to prevent hypertension disease.
  • Soursop fruit is rich in fiber. Sertat soursop fruit content of 3.3 grams per 100 grams of meat soursop fruit. With this much fiber content, the benefits of soursop fruit can also facilitate the digestive process in the body.
Now that we know some of the benefits above soursop fruit, soursop fruit then it should be our choice dish servings. To get the above content soursop fruit, soursop juice / soursop juice can be your choice.